Folksy Links List of Galician folk musicians
Information on Galician Music Ceolas page with Galician info
Ceolas Celtic Music Archive The Grandfather of Celtic music web pages
Celtic Music Newsgroup Celtic Music Newsgroup. This is a Usenet service. Use a newsreader or Google Groups to access it.
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Milladoiro Web Page Popular Galician band
"Durindaina is a traditional Galician band from a little country called Galicia..."
Luar na Lubre
"Celtic music from Galicia"
Llan de Cubel Excellent Asturian group
Lucia y Valdemar's
"A Spanish Dance and Music Group specializing in the Celtic Music and Dance of Galicia, Asturias, and Cantabria"
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ACGA Gaelic Society of America "An Comunn Gàidhealach America (The Gaelic Society of America) strives to promote and preserve the Gaelic language and culture by supporting Gaelic language study and interest in Gaelic literature, song, music, art and history in North America and the world."
soc.culture.celtic General Celtic Cultural Newsgroup
soc.culture.asturies Galician and Asturian Newsgroup
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