Cape Breton Connection Links to Cape Breton Music and musician's pages
Cape Breton Musicians Online Web page listing several top musicians
Celtic Music Interpretive Center More Cape Breton Links
Ceolas Celtic Music Archive The Grandfather of Celtic music web pages
Celtic Music Newsgroup Celtic Music Newsgroup. This is a Usenet service. Use a newsreader or Google Groups to access it.
Ceilidh Trail school of Celtic Music A school devoted to Celtic music and dance in the hills of Inverness; overlooking the shores of Broad Cove.
Dirty Linen
Folk, Electric folk, Traditional & World information
Folk Roots The world's leading roots, folk and world music magazine
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Natalie MacMaster One of the most popular Cape Breton musicians
Brenda Stubbert Fiddler/stepdancer/piano player
Jerry Holland A giant among Cape Breton fiddlers
Buddy MacMaster Master of the Cape Breton Violin
Ashley MacIsaac Cape Breton fiddler and raconteur
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Forrester School of Celtic Dance Highland, stepdancing, Scottish National, specially choreographed and novelty dances. Performs in approximately 50 shows a year and have traveled nationally & internationally.
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soc.culture.celtic General Celtic Cultural Newsgroup
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