Ceolas Celtic Music Archive The Grandfather of Celtic music web pages
Temple Records Record label dedicated to Scottish music
NetReal Celtic Music index in Scotland
Veesik Records Record Label established to record and promote Shetland musicians and music
Celtic Music: Regional Cultures and Modern Success An on-line self-paced culture and history course from the University of Wisconsin. If you try it out, let us know what it's like!
Celtic Music Newsgroup Celtic Music Newsgroup. This is a Usenet service. Use a newsreader or Google Groups to access it.
Dirty Linen
Folk, Electric folk, Traditional & World information
Folk Roots The world's leading roots, folk and world music magazine
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(Thanks to "Ceolas Celtic Music Archive" for much of the band information)
Instrumental and Dance Ensembles (Modern Folk Bands)
The Battlefield Band Web site of Scotland's premier exponent of traditional music.
Boys of the Lough Long-running group with members from many celtic regions.
Capercaillie A highly successful popular Scottish group playing modern arrangements of trad music.
Celtic Fiddle Festival Trio of fiddlers from Ireland (Kevin Burke), Scotland (Johnny Cunningham) and Britanny (Christian Lemaitre).
Ceolbeg Innovative Scottish traditional group.
The Corries Discography of the Scottish folk duo.
Old Blind Dogs Scottish quartet playing driving trad-based music.
The McCalmans Formed in 1964, they have continued to record and tour without interruption, with only one personnel change in thirty-five years..
Rock, Salt & Nails Contemporary folk group from the Scottish Shetland Islands, courtesy of Graham Collins.
Sileas Scottish harp duo of Patsy Seddon & Mary MacMaster.
Silly Wizard One of the greatest of the Scots folk revival groups.
Tabache Young Scottish traditional duo.
Tannahill Weavers Short discography of this Scottish ensemble.
Soloists (Instrumental)
Johnny Cunningham High-fire Scottish fidder and veteran of many great groups. [In Memoriam]
Phil Cunningham Ace piano accordionist, Silly Wizard member and brother of Johnny.
Brian McNeill Fiddler, singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist founder of the Battlefield Band.
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>Eric Bogle The legendary Scottish folk singer, now living in Australia.
Dick Gaughan Discography of the Scottish folk singer.
Dougie MacLean Scottish folk singer-songwriter.
Fusion (Traditional-Contemporary Hybrids)
The Peatbog Faeries "Traditional fusion" from the Isle of Skye.
Runrig Scottish folk/rock/trad group with a haunting, "epic" sound.
Shooglenifty Fancy but not very informative site for one of Scotland's top celtic/rock groups.
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>Scottish Festivals & Events in North America Guide to Celtic Events (Ceolas Site)
Scottish & Celtic Games Listing
information gathered from review of Scottish/Celtic periodical publications
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The official government source of genealogical data for Scotland. A partnership between the General Register Office for Scotland and Scotland On Line, ScotlandsPeople is the official online source of parish register, civil registration and census records for Scotland.
Scotland On-Line
Comprehensive source for Scottish news and culture
Argyll on Line One stop source for any information about the area of Argyll
U.S. Scots Online Homepage of the Scottish-American community, including U.S. Scots Magazine, "the premiere print magazine for the Scottish-American Community. Visit to read past articles, reference our online databases, explore our extensive links database, and learn how to subscribe."
soc.culture.celtic General Celtic Cultural Newsgroup
The Tartan pages Scotland on the Internet.
Gold Ring CD and Book Store Excellent source of books on Celtic culture in general
Heather & Thistle Scottish cultural society in Houston
Sabhal Mór Ostaig Further Education college in the island of Skye, Scotland, teaching through the medium of Gaelic. Includes Gaelic lessons and links to Scots and Irish Gaelic sites.
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